Manx culture has a rich arts history, including songs, rhymes and prayers.
Nish as Rish return from successful Norwegian Tour.
The band sing in both Manx and English, and launched their latest album, 'Afloat', during the final day of Yn Chruinnaght in Peel.
Tallis Consort bids farewell to Musical Director at Spring Concert.
We recently caught up with 6-piece local band Rusty Jam Revolution to find out more about them and their hopes and plans for the future.
Manx trad power group Barrule has been exploring pastures new recently.
Blues musician Marcus Bonfanti revisits the Centenary Centre in Peel.
Celebrating the 40th anniversary of ABBA’s Eurovision triumph, hit stage show Thank You for the Music came to the Villa.
Newly Commissioned composition to premiere at Yn Chruinnaght Inter-Celtic Festival.
Celebration and Contemplation - Manx Traditional and Original Music for Church Organ.